Wednesday, September 30, 2009

first mountain academy revival: psicobloc

This first revival of mountain academy was crowded (!): the only member of the team who accepted Particia’s invitation to go to Mallorca was me.
In these few days of climbing I discovered the psicobloc (or deep water solo), and after experiencing the Mecca of psicobloc I can say that this is an amazing kind of climbing.
No rope, no harness, no Quickdraw, only climbing shoes, swimming suit and mental power. The safe it ensured by the sea, and at every jump you are surprised to experience how soft is the water, even if you fall exactly on your back (I have done that!). But the unconscious fear shows up when you have some key movements at the end of the pitch and you are far from the water, in this case you turn off your mind and hope not to fall; because when you are more than 10 meters high with only climbing shoes end bathing costume you are a little impressed.
The climbing it is never very delicate but rather animal, big and good hooks in roofs and overhangs, you need a lot of power, the problem is when you lose the power but with the people encouraging you, you continue climbing up increasing the distance from the water, and the length of the jump.
Thanks to Patricia for the hospitality and I hope that next year the MAC team will be more represented.

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