17th of Februari, my girlfriend Sigrid and me visited Benjamin in his hometown, on our Iceclimbing and Skiing-roadtrip through the Austrian winter. Off course we went for some ice climbing! We had been iceclimbing and skiing for a week around Heiligenblut, Austria, so we came well prepared. Our goal today was to climb some icefalls in the Kundler Klamm in Kundl near Wörgl. Because of the obvious iceclimbing hurdles, we decided first to have just a look!
Avalanche danger, 4 on the scale of 5, because it snowed all week long heavily. Rockfall danger, because we went to a quite unsolide area, which is actually closed for some time in summer...
After closer look at the obstacles we first we had to pass a man with the bulldozer, than walk through the hip deep snow. Luckily the rockfall danger was not as high as in summer. The snowfall was more our main concern.
The amount of new snow and the following avalanche danger was to reason we decided to go this canyon in first place. Still also here the snow piled up, with our first object was impossible to climb because there was still water running and the upper pillar was not formed due to warm conditions the weeks before. We went deeper into the canyon.
Thnx Benjamin for a great time!
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