While most of my teammates are doing researches on Taghia region, in between my trainings, I'll need to provide few visas for trip to Morocco. Visa is kind of vignette, whit a „small“difference. Vignette is pass for e.g. car on highway, and visa is pass for a people from countries political unsuitable. Although Serbia represents geographical center of Europe, its residents are considering as „residents of third world countries“, so for traveling abroad, we need this vignette in our passports...

Forward, I’ll demonstrate how it looks procedure when you apply for a EU visa ...
Scenario :
Usually, there are 2 major roles, applicant
(A) & desk employer
(DE). Everything is happening in some safe lock cabinet (kind of office), with, of course, window and speakerphone between these 2 roles. In order for this meeting happened, an applicant must to make an appointment reservation (telephone-paid), at least, 2 weeks in advance (in a case of holidays – New Year, 1 May, and long school holidays, even 1 month or more in advance), so all good journeys like – Let’s go next weekend in Alps, and similar, are absolutely impossible.
(Note – The rest of text is partly taken from famous radio-drama(
Indexovci), which shows our reality. Point is –
A must provide TONES of paper)
A : Hello…
DE : Hello, why do you need a visa?
A : I would like to go to
“(some EU country)”, for mountaineering.
DE : Mountaineering? Mhmm... Do you know somebody there?
A : No. But I’ve done some researches, so I know the area very good. I’ll meet there with my friends from other countries, you know, I’m participant on great European project.... (DE stops A in talking)
DE : Hm, give me your documentations...
A : Here it is. I think it’s all you requested.
DE(with a laugh) : Don’t say that twice.
... DE is checking „book“ of documentation, loud check...- ID card, ok
- Passport, ok
- Citizenship, ok
- driving license, ok
- traffic license, ok, I don’t need this,
- police insurance, ok
- health ID, ok
- working ID, ok
- military ID, ok
- elementary school ID, ok
- bank ID, ok
- any service ID, ok
- degree of elementary music school, ok
- official statement of birth, ok
- official statement of marriage, ok
- contract for grave(crypt) place, ok
- statement of real estate registry, ok
- list of all moveable property and real estate of applicant, ok
- proof of TV subscription, ok
- proof of paid – tax, ok
- proof of father’s paid tax, ok
- father’s ID, ok
- mother’s ID ... ok…Wow, you’re mother is very pretty hear...
- father’s and mother’s marriage list, ok
- 2 photographs from parent’s wedding (one with marriage witnesses, one without them)...Hm, you don’t look like your parents here.
A : Well you know, that photo is quite old and blur.
DE : Don’t y’a... You are blurring... Listen. You must give me your father’s political party ID, if, of course, he was a party member, or court statement that he wasn’t. And don’t tell me that your father recognizes only court of his party... And next, result of your mother’s blood group and result of DNA.
A : Excuse me, please, why do you need that for?
DE : For two reason – first, because I can!, and second – I want to check your identity. I cannot foretell if is it you, or not!
A : But wait... I brought tons of all possible and impossible documents. By now, I forgot why I came in this office for a first place! I don’t have anything more of documents, this is all.
DE : That is what you think! But there is more! You will bring me orthopan of all teeth, and then, I’ll identify you over teeth!
A : Excuse me? What for you need (black) teeth?
(phrase) DE : Well now... Black, yellow, or white teeth. It’s not important, I won’t judge that. So, I want digital orthopan, and upper and lower jaw.
A : Digital?! Ok. Is that all then?!
DE : Mhm... No! I’ll need and digital orthopan of your parents!
A : Well, no way, my parents are dead?!
DE : My condolences! In that case, you will bring me their artificial teeth.
At this stage, applicant, likely to loose his tempers, and starts with curse...A : You know what...*#*?!”#$)%$”#”…
DE : You are very rude! And you are not even capable, to bring me two piece of paper?!
A : What are you talking about? You are asking artificial teeth and my elementary degree, what are you, mad?!
So, quite funny situations, right?
Just a reminder – I missed #1 TMA, because of visa… It wasn’t so funny to me.