I’m back home, after one month in
So, where to start? Maybe with the car ride to the starting point of the hike to Taghia. Well, it was interesting and also more than beautiful, because when we exactly reached the highest part of the mountain pass we crossed, the moon- actually it was full moon- was right upon the mountains, right upon us... .I’ve never seen a moon shining bright like this before!
But the farer we got the more I had to think about the fact, that we heading a spot from where it’s not at all possible to be rescued after an accident. For one moment I had a strange feeling in my stomach. But at this moment I also realized that we are in the middle of a real, small, but real expedition! Yeah. My first one and this with all my friends of the mountain academy and the great support from the mountain guides. Well, that made me feel secure again!
Now I’ve just described one special tiny moment out of thousands during our Taghia experience...
For sure I’ll return to this spectacular place. Maybe with Ferran...because we have some unfinished business left. I just say, that it is an ancient route and if you want to repeat, the guide book says, you need more than 70 pitons! And so far no one climbed it after it was made up!!! So, you see how rare, interesting and special Taghia is for rock climbers ;-)
And for sure, I know what to bring to Taghia next time: One rucksack with my stuff and one, big one just filled with candies and bracelets. All the nice kids will be crazy about it. You can make them happy just with one piece of lollypop... .I do exactly remember one girl’s face, as I gave my small bracelet to her: she was overwhelmed; I can hardly think about anyone smiling like this. The feeling was superb. And just because this little bracelet, which I bought for less the 50cents before...